添加時間:2017-11-29 09:21:35
為了提高員工英文水平,北京xx公司(下稱“公司”)聘請xx先生(下稱“教師”)作為英文教師教授口語。經(jīng)雙方友好協(xié)商,達成以下聘任協(xié)議: 1、合同效力 本合同自雙方簽字后自動生效。 2、聘任期 六個月 3、課程安排 課程按以下計劃安排 3.1 每周兩次,每次90分鐘。 3.2 每周課程具體時間是: 周一 ____:____ 周四 ____:____ 4、 雙方責(zé)任 4.1 教師職責(zé)包括: a) 根據(jù)參考書系統(tǒng)化,條理化教課。 b) 為提高英語聽說能力推薦相應(yīng)的磁帶。 4.2 公司提供教室及第5條所規(guī)定的工資。 5、薪水 在聘任期內(nèi),公司在每月月底支付教師工資,每節(jié)課按240元人民幣(稅后)。 6、結(jié)束 合同到期后,無須通知任何一方,將自動終止。如其中任何一方欲延長合同,須在合同期滿前2周通知對方。 invitation agreement in order to improve the english level of the staff of _____ (hereinafter referred to as the “company" as one part) invite mr. xx (hereinafter referred to as the ”teacher" as the other party) to teach oral english courses. on the basis of friendly negotiation, both parties enter into this invitation agreement: article 1 effectiveness of the agreement the agreement shall come into force automatically as of the signature date of this agreement. article 2 term of invitation term of invitation shall be ____ . article 3 schedule of courses the courses shall be arranged with the following schedule, 3.1 2 courses per week, each course costs 90 minutes. 3.2 for each week, the courses is allocated to monday ___: ___ thursday ___: ___ article 4 duties of the two parties 4.1 the teacher shall perform in a diligent manner, including: a. formulate and provide a systematically teaching courses with reference books; b. recommend tapes if they are conducive to improve listening and speaking english. 4.2 the company shall provide teaching room and pay salary to the teacher in accordance with article 5. article 5 salary during the term of invitation, the company shall pay the teacher an after tax salary at rmb _____ per course at the end of each teaching month (each 4 courses over). article 6 termination this agreement shall automatically terminate, without notice by either party to the other, when it expires. if one party wishes to extend this agreement, he shall notify the other party two weeks before the termination day of this agreement.