添加時間:2017-11-26 23:59:50
一、保險財產(chǎn) 保險財產(chǎn)指在本保險單明細(xì)表中列明的財產(chǎn)及費用。 經(jīng)被保險人特別申請,并經(jīng)本公司書面同意,下列物品及費用經(jīng)專業(yè)人員或公估部門鑒定并確定價值后,亦可作為保險財產(chǎn): (一)金銀、珠寶、鉆石、玉器; (二)古玩、古幣、古書、古畫; (三)藝術(shù)作品、郵票; (四)建筑物上的廣告、天線、霓虹燈、太陽能裝置等; (五)計算機資料及其制作、復(fù)制費用。 下列物品一律不得作為保險財產(chǎn): (一)槍支彈藥、爆炸物品; (二)現(xiàn)鈔、有價證券、票據(jù)、文件、檔案、帳冊、圖紙; (三)動物、植物、農(nóng)作物; (四)便攜式通訊裝置、電腦設(shè)備、照相攝像器材及其他貴重物品; (五)用于公共交通的車輛。 二、責(zé)任范圍 在本保險期限內(nèi),若本保險單明細(xì)表中列明的保險財產(chǎn)因以下列明的風(fēng)險造成的直接物質(zhì)損壞或滅失(以下簡稱“損失”),本公司同意按照本保險單的規(guī)定負(fù)責(zé)賠償。 (一)火災(zāi); (二)爆炸,但不包括鍋爐爆炸; (三)雷電; (四)颶風(fēng)、臺風(fēng)、龍卷風(fēng); (五)風(fēng)暴、暴雨、洪水 但不包括正常水位變化、海水倒灌及水庫、運河、堤壩在正常水位線以下的排水和滲漏,亦不包括由于風(fēng)暴、暴雨或洪水造成存放在露天或使用蘆席、蓬布、茅草、油毛氈、塑料膜或尼龍等作罩棚或覆蓋的保險財產(chǎn)的損失; (六)冰雹; (七)地崩、山崩、雪崩; (八)火山爆發(fā); (九)地面下陷下沉,但不包括由于打樁、地下作業(yè)及挖掘作業(yè)引起的地面下陷下沉; (十)飛機墜毀、飛機部件或飛行物體墜落; (十一)水箱、水管爆裂,但不包括由于銹蝕引起水箱、水管爆裂。三、除外責(zé)任 本公司對下列各項不負(fù)責(zé)賠償: (一)被保險人及其代表的故意行為或重大過失引起的任何損失和費用; (二)地震、海嘯引起的損失和費用; (三)貶值、喪失市場或使用價值等其他后果損失; (四)戰(zhàn)爭、類似戰(zhàn)爭行為、敵對行為、武裝沖突、恐怖活動、謀反、政變、罷工、暴動、民眾騷亂引起的損失和費用; (五)政府命令或任何公共當(dāng)局的沒收、征用、銷毀或毀壞; (六)核裂變、核聚變、核武器、核材料、核幅射以及放射性污染引起的任何損失和費用; (七)大氣、土地、水污染及其他各種污染引起的任何損失和費用,但不包括由于本保險單第二條責(zé)任范圍列明的風(fēng)險造成的污染引起的損失; (八)本保險單明細(xì)表或有關(guān)條款中規(guī)定的應(yīng)由被保險人自行負(fù)擔(dān)的免賠額; (九)其他不屬于本保險單第二條責(zé)任范圍列明的風(fēng)險引起的損失。四、賠償處理 (一)如果發(fā)生本保險責(zé)任范圍內(nèi)的損失,本公司選擇下列方式賠償: 1.按受損財產(chǎn)的價值賠償; 2.賠付受損財產(chǎn)基本恢復(fù)原狀的修理、修復(fù)費用; 3.修理、恢復(fù)受損財產(chǎn),使之達到與同類財產(chǎn)基本一致的狀況。 (二)受損財產(chǎn)的賠償按損失當(dāng)時的市價計算。市價低于保險金額時,賠償按市價計算;市價高于保險金額時,賠償按保險金額與市價的比例計算。如本保險所載項目不止一項時,賠款按本規(guī)定逐項計算。 (三)保險項目發(fā)生損失后,如本公司按全部損失賠付,其殘值應(yīng)在賠款中扣除,本公司有權(quán)不接受被保險人對受損財產(chǎn)的委付。 (四)任何屬于成對或成套的項目,若發(fā)生損失,本公司的賠償責(zé)任不超過該受損項目在所屬整對或整套項目的保險金額中所占的比例。 (五)發(fā)生損失后,被保險人為減少損失而采取必要措施所產(chǎn)生的合理費用,本公司可予以賠償,但本項費用以保險財產(chǎn)的保險金額為限。 (六)本公司賠償損失后,由本公司出具批單將保險金額從損失發(fā)生之日起相應(yīng)減少,并且不退還保險金額減少部分的保險費。如被保險人要求恢復(fù)至原保險金額,應(yīng)按約定的保險費率加繳恢復(fù)部分從損失發(fā)生之日起至保險期限終止之日止按日比例計算的保險費。 (七)被保險人的索賠期限,從損失發(fā)生之日起,不得超過兩年。五、被保險人的義務(wù) 被保險人及其代表應(yīng)嚴(yán)格履行下列義務(wù): (一)投保時,被保險人及其代表應(yīng)對投保申請書中列明的事項以及本公司提出的其他事項作真實、詳盡的說明或描述; (二)被保險人及其代表應(yīng)根據(jù)本保險單明細(xì)表和批單中的規(guī)定按期繳付保險費; (三)在保險期限內(nèi),被保險人應(yīng)采取一切合理的預(yù)防措施,包括認(rèn)真考慮并付諸實施本公司代表提出的合理的防損建議,由此產(chǎn)生的一切費用,均由被保險人承擔(dān); (四)在發(fā)生引起或可能引起本保險單項下索賠的損失時,被保險人及其代表應(yīng): 1.立即通知本公司,并在七天或經(jīng)本公司書面同意延長的期限內(nèi)以書面提供事故發(fā)生的經(jīng)過,原因和損失程度; 2.采取一切必要措施防止損失的進一步擴大并將損失減少到最低程度; 3.在本公司的代表或檢驗師進行勘查之前,保留事故現(xiàn)場及有關(guān)實物證據(jù); 4.根據(jù)本公司的要求提供作為索賠依據(jù)的所有證明文件、資料和單據(jù)。六、總則 (一)保單效力 被保險人嚴(yán)格地遵守和履行本保險單的各項規(guī)定,是本公司在本保險單項下承擔(dān)賠償責(zé)任的先決條件。 (二)保單無效 如果被保險人或其代表漏報、錯報、虛報或隱瞞有關(guān)本保險的實質(zhì)性內(nèi)容,則本保險單無效。 (三)保單終止 除非經(jīng)本公司書面同意,本保險單將在下列情況下自動終止: 1.被保險人喪失保險利益; 2.承保風(fēng)險擴大。 本保險單終止后,本公司將按日比例退還被保險人本保險單項下未到期部分的保險費。 (四)保單注銷 被保險人可隨時書面申請注銷本保險單,本公司亦可提前十五天通知被保險人注銷本保險單。對本保險單已生效期間的保險費,前者本公司按短期費率計收,后者按日比例計收。 (五)權(quán)益喪失 如果任何索賠含有虛假成分,或被保險人或其代表在索賠時采取欺詐手段企圖在本保險單項下獲取利益,或任何損失是由被保險人或其代表的故意行為或縱容所致,被保險人將喪失其在本保險單項下的所有權(quán)益。對由此產(chǎn)生的包括本公司已支付的賠償在內(nèi)的一切損失,應(yīng)由被保險人負(fù)責(zé)賠償。 (六)合理查驗 本公司的代表有權(quán)在任何適當(dāng)?shù)臅r候?qū)ΡkU財產(chǎn)的風(fēng)險情況進行現(xiàn)場查驗。被保險人應(yīng)提供一切便利及本公司要求的用以評估有關(guān)風(fēng)險的詳情和資料。但上述查驗并不構(gòu)成本公司對被保險人的任何承諾。 (七)重復(fù)保險 本保險單負(fù)責(zé)賠償損失、費用或責(zé)任時,若另有其他保障相同的保險存在,不論是否由被保險人或他人以其名義投保,也不論該保險賠償與否,本公司僅負(fù)責(zé)按比例分?jǐn)傎r償?shù)呢?zé)任。 (八)權(quán)益轉(zhuǎn)讓 若本保險單項下負(fù)責(zé)的損失涉及其他責(zé)任方時,不論本公司是否已賠償被保險人,被保險人應(yīng)立即采取一切必要的措施行使或保留向該責(zé)任方索賠的權(quán)利。在本公司支付賠償后,被保險人應(yīng)將向該責(zé)任方追償?shù)臋?quán)利轉(zhuǎn)讓給本公司,移交一切必要的單證,并協(xié)助本公司向責(zé)任方追償。 (九)爭議處理 被保險人與本公司之間的一切有關(guān)本保險的爭議應(yīng)通過友好協(xié)商解決。如果協(xié)商不成,可申請仲裁或向法院提出訴訟。除事先另有協(xié)議外,仲裁或訴訟應(yīng)在被告方所在地進行。七、特別條款 下列特別條款適用于本保險單的各個部分,若其與本保險單的其他規(guī)定相沖突,則以下列特別條款為準(zhǔn)。 財產(chǎn)保險單 保險單號碼: 鑒于本保險單明細(xì)表中列明的被保險人向______保險公司(以下簡稱“本公司”)提交書面投保申請和有關(guān)資料(該投保申請及資料被視作本保險單的有效組成部分),并向本公司繳付了本保險單明細(xì)表中列明的保險費,本公司同意按本保險單的規(guī)定負(fù)責(zé)賠償在本保險單明細(xì)表 中列明的保險期限內(nèi)被保險人的保險財產(chǎn)遭受的損壞或滅失,特立本保險單為憑。 ______保險公司 ______ 授權(quán)簽字 簽發(fā)日期:__年__月__日 簽發(fā)地點: 明 細(xì) 表 保險單號碼: 一、被保險人名稱和地址: 二、保險財產(chǎn)地址: 三、營業(yè)性質(zhì): 四、保險項目及保險金額 項 目 保險金額 (一)保險財產(chǎn) 1.建筑物(包括裝修): 2.機器設(shè)備: 3.裝置、家俱及辦公設(shè)施或用品: 4.倉儲物品: 5.其他: (二)附加費用 1.清除殘骸費用: 2.滅火費用: 3.專業(yè)費用: 4.其他費用: 總保險金額: 五、每次事故免賠額: 六、保險期限:共___個月。 自___年__月__日零時起,至___年__月__日二十四時止。 七、保險費率: 總保險費: 八、付費日期: 九、司法管轄 本保險單受中華人民共和國的司法管轄 十、特別條款 財產(chǎn)險保單明細(xì)表 ______保險公司property insurance clauses whole doc. i. the property insured the property insured shall refer to all properties and expenses spe-cified in the schedule of this policy. unless specifically agreed upon in writing between the insured and thecompany and appraised and value-established by professionals or assessors,the following articles and the expenses relevant thereto shall not becovered under this policy: 1. gold, silver, pearls, diamonds, precious stones and jades; 2. antiques, articles of virtue, ancient coins, ancient books andancient paintings; 3. works of art or postage stamps; 4. advertisements, aerials, neon, pieces of solar energy apparatusetc. on buildings; 5. computer system records or its making and copying costs. under no circumstances shall the following articles relevant theretobe covered hereunder: 1. guns, ammunition or explosives; 2. banknotes, securities, bills, documents, files, account books ordrawings; 3. animals, plants and agricultural crops; 4. mobile phones, portable computers, removable photograph apparatusor other precious articles; 5. vehicles licensed for general transport use. ii. scope of cover the company shall indemnify the insured in respect of the physicalloss of or damage to the insured property stated in the schedule duringthe period of insurance directly arising from the following perils: 1. fire; 2. explosion; but not including explosion of a boiler or other pressure reliefdevices; 3. lightning; 4. hurricane, typhoon and tornado; 5. storm, tempest and flood; but not including loss or damage caused by change in normal waterlevel or inundation from sea water or water escape or leakage from thenormal confines of any natural water course, lake or reservoir, canal ordam as well as loss of or damage to the insured property caused by storm,tempest or flood while being stored in the open or covered by or under ashed thatched with reeds, tarpaulins, straw, asphalt felt, plastic ornylon sheet; 6. hailstorm; 7. landslide, rockslide, avalanche; 8. volcanic explosion; 9. subsidence of ground; but not including loss or damage resulting from pile driving,groundwork or excavation; 10. crashing aircraft and parts or articles falling from aircraft andother flying objects; 11. bursting of water tank or pipe; but not including bursting of water tank or pipe due to rust. iii. exclusions this company shall not be liable for: 1. loss of or damage to the insured property or expenses caused byintentional act or gross negligence of the insured or his representative; 2. loss of or damage to the insured property caused and expensesincurred by earthquake or tsunami; 3. depreciation, loss of market, loss of use and other consequentiallosses of any description; 4. loss of or damage to the insured property or expenses incurredarising from war, warlike operation, hostilities, armed conflicts,terrorism, conspiracy insurrection, coup d'etat, strike, riot, and civilcommotion; 5. confiscation, requisition, destruction or damage by any action ororder of any government de jure or de facto or by any public authorities; 6. loss of or damage to insured property directly or indirectly causedor expenses incurred by nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, nuclear weapon,nuclear material, nuclear radiation and radioactive contamination; 7. loss or damage caused and expenses incurred by pollution of anykind or description whatsoever such as atmosphere, land and waterpollutions but this does not include loss or damage caused by pollutionarising from perils specified in article ii the policy; 8. the deductibles stated in the schedule to be borne by the insured; 9. loss or damage arising from any other perils not listed in articleii of this policy. iv. treatment of claim 1. the company shall at its option, indemnify the insured in respectof loss or damage falling within the scope of cover of the policy byeither: 1.1 paying the amount of the actual value of the property lost ordamaged or; 1.2 paying the necessary cost of repairing or restoring the damagedproperty to its nearest condition immediately preceding the damage or; 1.3 repairing or restoring the damaged property to a condition near toother property of like kind and quality. 2. indemnity under this policy shall be based upon the sound marketvalue of the property prevailing at the time of loss. if the sound marketvalue of the damaged property is lower than the sum insured of suchproperty, the claim shall be settled on its market value; if the soundmarket value of the property is in excess of the sum insured, the companyshall only be liable for such proportion of the claim as the sum insuredof the damaged property bears to its sound market value. if the insuredproperty enumerated in the schedule is more than one item, the provisionof this clause shall apply to each thereof. 3. if a claim for loss of or damage to the insured item is settled ona total loss basis, the salvage value of such item shall be deducted fromthe indemnity payable by the company. the company may, at its option,decline the abandonment of any damaged property by the insured. 4. in the event of loss of or damage to any equipment item insuredforming part of a pair or set, the company shall not be liable in respectof each of such item lost or damaged for more than its proportionate partof the sum insured on the complete pair or set. 5. in the event of any loss occurrence, the company shall also pay theinsured for the expenses reasonably incurred for taking necessary measuresto minimize loss or damage to the least extent, but in no case shall suchexpenses referred hereto exceed the sum insured of the insured property. 6. upon settlement of a claim, an endorsement shall be issued by thecompany to reduce the sum insured corresponding to the property lost ordamaged by the amount so settled from the date of loss, and no premiumshall be refunded for the amount so reduced. if reinstatement of the suminsured is required by the insured upon settlement of the claim, anadditional premium for the reinstated amount shall be charged at an agreedrate, and be calculated on pro rata daily basis from the date of loss tothe expiry of the insurance. 7. the time of validity of a claim under this insurance shall notexceed a period of two year counting from the date of loss. v. insured's obligations the following obligations shall be strictly fulfilled by the insuredand his representative: 1. the insured and his representative, when applying for insuranceshall make true answers or descriptions to the questions in the proposaland questionnaire or to any other questions raised by the company. 2. the insured and his representative shall pay to the company in duecourse the agreed premium in the manner as provided in the schedule andendorsements. 3. during the period of this insurance, the insured shall at his ownexpense take all reasonable precautions, including paying sufficientattention to and putting into practice the reasonable recommendations ofthe company, prudently selecting the workmen and employees and complyingwith all statutory regulations and safety operation procedures. 4. in the event of any occurrence which gives or might give rise to aclaim under this policy, the insured or his representative shall: 4.1 notify the company immediately and within seven (7) days or anyfurther period as may be agreed by the company in writing, furnish awritten report to indicate the course, probable reason and extent of lossor damage; 4.2 take all necessary measures to avoid aggravation of the loss ordamage and minimize it to the least extent; 4.3 preserve the spot affected and defective parts before aninspection is carried out by a representative or surveyor from thecompany; 4.4 furnish all such information and documentary evidence as thecompany may require for supporting the claim. vi. general conditions 1. policy effect the due observance and fulfilment of the terms and conditions of thispolicy in so far as they relate to anything to be done or complied with bythe insured shall be a condition precedent to any liability of the companyunder this policy. 2. policy voidance this policy shall be voidable in the event of misrepresentation,misdescription or non-disclosure made by the insured or his representativein any material particular in respect of this insurance. 3. policy termination unless its continuance be admitted by the company in writing, thispolicy shall be automatically terminated if: 3.1 the insurable interest of the insured is lost; 3.2 the risk of loss or damage is increased. after termination of the policy, the premium shall be refunded to theinsured calculated on pro rata daily basis for the period from the date oftermination to the date of expiry. 4. policy cancellation this policy may be canceled at any time at the request of the insuredin writing or at the option of the company by giving a fifteen (15) daysprior notice to the insured. in the former case the company shall retain apremium calculated on short term rate basis for the time the policy hasbeen in force while in the latter case such premium shall be calculated onpro rata daily basis. 5. forfeit of benefit if the claim is in any respect fraudulent, or if any fraudulent meansor devices are used by the insured or his representative to obtain anybenefit under this policy or if any loss or damage is occasioned by theintentional act or in the connivance of the insured or his representative,then in any of these cases, all the rights and benefits of the insuredunder this policy shall be forfeited, and all consequent losses arisingtherefrom including the amount of claim paid by the company shall beindemnified by the insured. 6. reasonable inspection the representative of the company shall at any suitable time beentitled to attend the site and inspect or examine the risk explosure ofthe property insured. for this purpose, the insured shall provide fullassistance and all details and information required by the company as maybe necessary for the assessment of the risk. the above mentionedinspection or examination shall in no circumstances be held as anyadmission to the insured by the company. 7. double insurance should any loss, damage, expenses or liability recoverable under thepolicy be also covered by any other insurance, the company shall only beliable to pay or contribute his proportion of the claim irrespective as towhether the other insurance is arranged by the insured or others on hisbehalf, or whether any indemnification is obtainable under such otherinsurance. 8. subrogation where a third party shall be held responsible for the loss or damagecovered under this policy, the insured shall, whether being indemnified bythe company or not, take all necessary measures to enforce or reserve theright of recovery against such third party, and upon being indemnified bythe company, subrogate to the company all the right of recovery, transferall necessary documents to and assist the company in pursuing recoveryfrom the responsible party. 9. dispute all disputes under this insurance arising between the insured and thecompany shall be settled through friendly negotiations. where the twoparties fail to reach an agreement after negotiations, such dispute shallbe submitted to arbitration or to court for legal actions. unlessotherwise agreed, such arbitration or legal action shall be carried out inthe place where the defendant is domiciled. vii. special provisions the following provisions shall be applied to all parts of this policyand shall override the other terms and conditions of this policy if anyconflict arises. property insurance policy policy no.: whereas the insured named in the schedule hereto has made to the______ insurance company (hereinafter called ""the company"") a writtenproposal which together with any other statements made by the insured forthe purpose of this policy is deemed to be incorporated herein and haspaid to the company the premium stated in the schedule. now this policy of insurance witnesses that subject to the terms andconditions contained herein or endorsed hereon the company shall indemnifythe insured for the loss or damage sustained during the period ofinsurance stated in the schedule in the manner and to the extenthereinafter provided. by the ________ insurance company_________________________ authorised signaturedate of issue:place of issue: schedule policy no.:1. name and address of the insured 1.1 the insured: 1.2 address:2. location of the property insured:3. nature of trade:4. insured items and sums insured: insured items sums insured 4.1 property insured 4.1.1 building(s) (including decoration): 4.1.2 machinery and equipment: 4.1.3 furniture and fixture: (including office equipment and supplies) 4.1.4 stock: 4.1.5 others: 4.2 additional expenses: 4.2.1 removal of debris fees: 4.2.2 fire extinguishing expenses: 4.2.3 professional fees: 4.2.4 other expenses: total sum insured:5. deductible (any one accident):6. period of insurance: ___ months. from 00:00 of _________ to 24:00 hours of ______7. premium rate: total premium:8. date of payment:9. jurisdiction: this policy is governed by law of the people's republic of china.10. special provisions: property insurance policy's schedule _________ insurance company責(zé)任編輯:陳紅