KARSTEN CLEANROOM SYSTEMS (KCS) is Dutch JV company in Shanghai. KCS is supplying Turn-Key Cleanroom facilities to the Pharma/Biotech
Industries. Such Turn Key system includes the Cleanroom system, HVAC system, Electrical and Control system.
KCS has its own manufacturing facility where mainly all components are produced for the cleanrooms. Materials and equipment for HVAC system are mainly bought from 3rd parties. All products and installations are made in accordance with the International quality standards. KCS has built up the High Reputation in the market active now for more than 15 years in China. Total KCS employees are 140p with 14p in Design department
KCS is an international company with its parent and sister companies in Europe. KCS has acquired projects in different parts of world which are handled by combined KCS teams. In Turn-Key assignments the Design dpt of KCS Shanghai is leading which means that international contacts and communication is part of daily live.
KCS considers personal development the Key factor for success. The last 15 years have been succesfull for KCS and rewarding for its staff.
We would be happy to welcome you for an interview to discuss your potential development in our company.
No. 1091 Huhang Road, Feng Xian Xi Du County, 201401, Shanghai P.R.C
公司網(wǎng)址/Website www.kcscn.com
E-mail: miranda@kcscn.com
聯(lián)系人/Contact: Miranda 33655994