ECO GREEN ENERGY was founded by the French entrepreneur, Mr. Dalibor Nikolovski in 2008. ECO GREEN ENERGY has become the leading French solar brand which is distributed in more than 21 countries. In 2015, ECO GREEN ENERGY has invested in the manufacturing base of solar modules and other devices in Nantong, Jiangsu, China. ECO GREEN ENERGY designs, develops and manufactures solar products that convert sunlight into electricity for all kinds of applications. Our ECO GREEN ENERGY solar products with the latest technology are well appreciated in the major world markets.ECO GREEN ENERGY possesses more than 30 patents, and all our products are certified by UL, ISO9001, CB, TUV, CE, CQC, RETIE, and FIDE etc. High quality and reliability are our pursuit.ECO GREEN ENERGY offers solar energy products and solutions for all energy projects, from small applications for individuals, to large industrial and governmental projects.Now we are looking for the talents to join our team and fight together to build a greener world.江蘇樂泰宜柯谷林能源科技有限公司(以下簡稱樂泰科技),是ECO GREEN ENERGY LIMITED在中國的全資子公司。ECO GREEN ENERGY由法國的Dalibor Nikolovski先生創(chuàng)建于2008年,公司主營業(yè)務是ECO GREEN ENERGY品牌的太陽能產品全球銷售和應用,專注于民用及工業(yè)項目。江蘇樂泰宜柯谷林能源科技有限公司是ECO GREEN ENENRGY 在中國的生產基地,位于江蘇南通。ECO GREEN ENERGY樂泰科技設計、開發(fā)、制造和銷售自主品牌ECO GREEN ENERGY的太陽能產品并運往世界各地,主要市場包含法國、墨西哥、荷蘭、智利、新喀里多尼亞、尼日利亞、南非、波蘭、埃及等。ECO GREEN ENERGY樂泰科技通過提供工業(yè)、商業(yè)和住宅等太陽能系統(tǒng)解決方案為您的業(yè)務提供支持。迄今為止,ECO GREEN ENERGY樂泰科技已經出口了超過1吉瓦的自主品牌ECO GREEN ENERGY太陽能光伏組件(單晶和多晶)以及其他光伏配套產品。公司營收逐年大幅度增長,市場占有率逐年擴大,品牌全球知名度日益提高。ECO GREEN ENERGY樂泰科技工廠占地9000多平方米,擁有全自動生產線,年產能達300兆瓦;可生產常規(guī)、半片、PERC高效、BIPV雙玻、雙面太陽能光伏組件等,功率范圍從30瓦到455瓦不等。ECO GREEN ENERGY樂泰科技的生產線采用最先進的機器和設備實現(xiàn)自動化,以保證生產過程遵循嚴格的歐洲標準。ECO GREEN ENERGY樂泰科技擁有一支不斷尋求創(chuàng)新的技術研發(fā)團隊,目前公司已擁有近30項實用新型專利。此外,公司還獲得UL,ISO9001,CB,TUV,CE,CQC,RETIE,F(xiàn)IDE等全方位認證證書,擁有完備的資質為合作伙伴和客戶提供標準化及定制化的產品及服務。ECO GREEN ENERGY樂泰科技致力于為全球客戶提供完整的綠色能源解決方案,并為世界可持續(xù)發(fā)展貢獻力量。至今,ECO GREEN ENERGY樂泰科技已經在全球21個國家建立了自己的分銷商,分銷網絡覆蓋拉美、歐洲、非洲、東南亞等。ECO GREEN ENERGY樂泰科技與您一起,為了更加綠色的世界而努力。